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angry at Norquist for Log Cabin speech

angry at Norquist for Log Cabin speech

A conservative leader is taking some serious heat over his appearance at a fund-raiser for the gay political group Log Cabin Republicans--not from the left but from the right wing. Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, was the featured speaker at Log Cabin's biggest annual fund-raiser, called the "Grand Ol' Party." Social conservative leaders are calling Norquist's appearance "traitorous," "deceitful," and "a betrayal." Cathie Adams, president of the antigay conservative group Texas Eagle Forum, told the right-wing Cybercast News Service, "If he was a serious economic conservative, Grover Norquist would not have [spoken] at a fund-raiser for a group bent on the destruction of traditional families." But a spokesperson for Americans for Tax Reform says they don't think the criticism is justified. Christopher Butler told CNS that his group "certainly doesn't take a position on social issues. We'll lower your taxes, but other groups exist to deal with those other issues." (Sirius OutQ News)

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