Michael Shernoff
should be a very angry man. An openly gay
psychotherapist with a practice in Chelsea in New York City,
Shernoff was infected with HIV during the darkest days
of the epidemic and lost many of his close friends to
AIDS. Yet even then, before protease inhibitors
changed the face of HIV, Shernoff was being visited almost
daily by gay male patients who refused to use condoms.
Over the years that followed, Shernoff listened
attentively as Internet chat rooms and drugs like
crystal meth fueled massive rises in unsafe sex and prompted
near-hysterical coverage in mainstream news outlets such as
Rolling Stone and The New York
Times. That said, one would think that Shernoff's
book, which draws on a large number of case studies
and over 1,500 responses to an Internet survey posted
by the author, would be something on the order of a
right-wing screed. Without Condoms is quite the
opposite. Instead, Shernoff takes on the hornet's
nest of psychological factors that propel a large
number of gay men to take serious risks in the
bedroom. Shernoff also takes aim at AIDS activists who
believe that barebacking is an epidemic confined to a
limited number of a pathologically self-destructive
gay men. He spoke with me by phone from his office in
Manhattan after a full day of meeting with patients.
In the preface to your book, Without Condoms, you
explain that you're an HIV-positive man who
has lived with the virus for more than 20 years.
You've lost many of your friends to AIDS. As a
therapist you treat gay men who engage in very
risky sexual behavior, yet you advocate an
approach that is free of judgment and what you call
"sex-negativity." Is this a place
you arrived at after writing the book?
I would call it an evolution. I started
discussing unsafe sexual behavior with patients in the
earliest days of the epidemic. But as use of crystal
increased in our community, many of the men I worked with
who were partying on crystal, or "Tina,"
were also discussing engaging in unsafe sex.
It's important for me to meet patients where they are
at. Good therapy provides curative emotional
experiences. I don't need to act like a
nonapproving parent. With patients who have developed drug
problems, I needed to advocate a harm-reduction
approach if the patient in question wasn't
ready to stop using. I decided to apply that same approach
to men who engage in unsafe sexual behavior so that I
wouldn't run the risk of alienating them or
driving them away from my office. If I shake my finger
at them and try to tell them what to do, the patient feels
judged and infantilized. A harm-reduction approach
doesn't eliminate harm all together, but it can
help the individual make certain choices that reduce
the risk to himself and to the broader community should he
choose not to use condoms during sex.
Many people believe that barebacking is confined to
young gay men who didn't witness the worst of the
AIDS epidemic. Is this true?
It's absolutely not true. This is
happening across the board. All our current research
says that the vast majority of gay men are not using a
condom every time they have sex. This is not a single group
of "bad gays." This is everybody, at
least some of the time, regardless of ethnicity,
educational background, and age. True, young men who never
saw their friends covered with lesions are among those
who engage in unsafe sex. But men of my generation who
practiced safe sex for decades are now moving back
into unsafe sex.
You write that a "sex-negative" approach is
detrimental to any discussion of barebacking or risky
sexual behavior. Can you define
"sex-negative" and explain some of the
problems posed by this approach?
Basically, a sex negative approach is
antipleasure. It preaches abstinence only, and it
doesn't recognize that, for some men, sex without
a condoms fulfills a variety of deep important needs, some
of which are actually spiritual. Here in the United
States, our AIDS organizations receive federal money,
so they preach the equivalent of an abstinence-based
approach, which is that every gay man must use a condom
every time he has sex. There are a great many gay men out
there who understand the risks of sex without condoms
and have no desire to contract HIV, but they still
find themselves with a deep desire to have unprotected
sex. These men come to me tormented by these desires because
they believe them to be pathological or wrong. The first
thing I tell them is that these desires in of
themselves are completely normal. No, we don't
have the freedom to have risk-free sex without condoms, but
if we want to grow strong and cohesive as a community,
we have to be rid of this notion that desires by
themselves can be bad things. Look, the reality is
that there are different phenomena going on out there. There
are men who want to bareback because they feel that it will
give them a greater sense of intimacy and connection
with their partners. Then there are men who have taken
on the identity of the barebacker because it is their
way of remaining a sexual outlaw. To encourage these men to
increase their condom use, we need to meet them where they
are and speak to them in a way that addresses their
But can't you argue that a man who is determined
to be a sexual outlaw isn't interested in having
a conversation about condom use? How do we address
the real public health issues presented by men who
aren't interested in participating in the
conversations therapists like you want to engage
them in?
Great question. But first off, let me state that
in my entire career I have never met or worked with a
truly sociopathic individual who is consciously trying
to infect others with HIV. Nothing could impact such
an individual. But it's important to distinguish
between such a personality and someone who refuses to
wear condoms out of a desire to connect to the rich
sexual outlaw tradition among gay men. The man for
whom barebacking has become an identity may very well be
committed to disease prevention--it's
condoms he won't talk about. A "rational
barebacker" is what researchers call individuals who
refuse to use condoms because their emotional need for
unsafe sex outweighs the risks. But these men are not
seeking to spread the virus or become infected
themselves, and they can be open to exploring a
harm-reduction approach when it comes to their sexual
behavior. But that approach needs to be addressed to
them without judgment.
What are some of these "emotional needs"
that you see driving men to have sex without condoms?
Connection. Intimacy. Desire. Pleasure. As a therapist,
the most sophisticated approach is for me to help a
patient understand what it was about a specific
situation that lead them to be unsafe. The primary
questions would be, Were they acting out of a need for
approval, or were they after a sense of greater
intimacy? For some people, sex without condoms is an
expression of love and trust. For others, it's the
belief that nasty sex is better sex. One of the
greatest joys of sexuality is abandon, and AIDS throws
a bucket of cold water on that. The fact is some
people may prioritize pleasure and intensity over their own
longevity. The point is these reasons are not all
pathological. But they are difficult for gay men to
discuss because many of us have vestiges of an
internalized homophobia which turns into a kind of
internalized erotophobia, a fear of sex and pleasure,
which is a part and parcel of the Puritan streak in
this country, where sex is used to sell everything
except sex education. It's possible to have public
health approaches to preventing both unwanted
pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases that are
When many of us hear the word "abandon" in
terms of gay male sexuality, we imagine a return
to the worst days of the AIDS epidemic, a dark
period that followed years of intense sexual abandon.
Are we Puritans for thinking this, or is it
possible this is a valid interpretation of history?
No one wants to see large numbers of new
infections and people dying. But the desire for sexual
freedom and abandon is normal and natural.
Contemporary AIDS prevention efforts need to speak to all
categories of gay men without demonizing those who
don't use condoms as "bad gays who are
pathological." And historically it's important
to differentiate between the so-called sexual Camelot
the 1970s, when no one knew there was a
life-threatening virus being passed around, and the days
after the onset of the epidemic, when large numbers of
men were gravely ill or dying. During the darkest days
of the epidemic, I heard a lot of gay men become
sexual revisionists; they tried to disavow the fact that the
sexual celebration of the 1970s had many wonderful bonding
and community building aspects to it.
Throughout the book, you give high marks to the HIV
prevention methods used by other countries. What
do you think they're doing right? Which
techniques should we borrow?
Countries like England and Australia have come
up with prevention methods that don't rely
solely on campaigns that tell all gay men to wear condoms
all of the time. In London, GMFA [Gay Men Fighting AIDS]
spells out harm-reduction techniques for men who
refuse to wear condoms [through a link to its Web
site]. Another London Web site offers what's called a
"negotiated safety agreement" for committed
couples who want to work towards not using condoms but
need to make certain agreements regarding monogamy and
acceptable behavior with outside partners. The English,
Australian, and Dutch governments are all funding research
into the area of "negotiated safety
agreements" and other nonabstinence-based
approaches to HIV prevention. These countries all
acknowledge that consistent use of condoms is the best
way to reduce the spread of HIV. They also acknowledge
that refusing to address the sex lives gay men are
actually having is in fact counterproductive to limiting the
spread of HIV. But here in the United States, this
kind of sex research has been seriously hampered by
the election of George W. Bush and the ascendancy of
the religious right in Congress.
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