conservatives attacked what they called the "gay
agenda" in Washington, D.C., this week at a conference
dedicated to injecting Christian values into the 2006
election campaign. The two-day conference, titled "The
War on Christians and the Values Voters of 2006,"
hoped to restore Judeo-Christian values to government
and the country.
Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council said
that while his organization does not hate gay people,
it believes families should be based only on
traditional married unions that can bear children. But
Sprigg and other activists condemned what they called the
"gay agenda." They said liberal groups promote not
just acceptance but affirmation and celebration of gay
life as normal and even desirable.
The right-wing Cybercast News Service reports
that the leaders debated whether gays should be
referred to as homosexuals or sodomites and whether
they should express opposition to just homosexual behavior
or to hate the sinner as well. They produced a "Values
Voters Contract With Congress," similar to the 1994
"Contract With America," outlining conservative values
they want lawmakers to implement in the new Congress.
And they called on President Bush to talk more about a
federal marriage amendment banning same-sex marriage.
The Reverend Lou Sheldon of the Traditional
Values Coalition said Christians have fared poorly in
recent years because they are nice guys and nice guys
finish last. (Sirius OutQ News)