In an interview
with the Christian news service Agape Press, Republican
candidate for Georgia attorney general Perry McGuire said
that allowing gay clubs to meet in schools is "much
like allowing a pedophile club or a gambling club to
meet at school." McGuire was responding to a question
about a recent federal court ruling allowing a gay-straight
alliance to meet at White County High School in Georgia.
In that ruling
U.S. district court judge William C. O'Kelley said that
the school had violated the Federal Equal Access Act by
barring the student group, called PRIDE, from meeting
on campus while allowing other noncurricular clubs to
do so.
In the interview
McGuire described the GSA as a "gay sex" club. "I
think the problem here, and I think where the court
substantially erred, is that the intent of the act was
never to allow organizations that advocate illegal
activity [to have campus access]," he told Agape
Press. "And in Georgia, sex between minors is illegal;
statutory rape laws apply.
activist clubs in schools are detrimental to students and
to the moral well-being of society," he continued. (The