featured on John Edwards's presidential campaign Web site is
a video of conservative commentator Ann Coulter insulting
him. And with just a mouse click you can hear the
invective and get a chance to donate at the same time.
On Friday, Coulter, a writer and columnist known
for provocative remarks, told an audience at the
Conservative Political Action Conference in
Washington: ''I was going to have a few comments on the
other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards,
but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use
the word 'f****t,' so I--so kind of an impasse,
can't really talk about Edwards.''
The Edwards camp is now seeking to capitalize on
the slur by soliciting $100,000 in ''Coulter Cash'' to
''show that inflaming prejudice to attack progressive
leaders will only backfire.''
Meanwhile, conservatives were none too pleased
with Coulter, either. Reverend Patrick J. Mahoney,
director of the Christian Defense Coalition, said,
''Frankly, I would have loved to have heard Ann expose and
dissect the radical agenda of Senator Edwards instead
of resorting to cheap name-calling.''
On Fox News Channel's Hannity &
Colmes Monday night, Coulter said the word ''isn't
offensive to gays, it has nothing to do with gays.
It's a schoolyard taunt.'' (AP)