The parents of
students in a fifth-grade class at Derby Ridge Elementary
School in Columbia, Mo., were outraged after their children
were assigned to read a newspaper
column supporting same-sex marriage. The article,
written by Richard Cohen and titled "Gay Marriage Ban No
Benefit to Society," was supposed to be a learning exercise
to help the students express their opinions, reports
According to Jack Jensen, assistant
superintendent of elementary education for Columbia
Public Schools, students had discussed the topic of
same-sex marriage in class and their teacher--who has
not been identified--asked them to read the
article and respond to it with their own editorial.
"The purpose was
to become familiar with editorial writing and
respond," Jensen told "But it was not an
appropriate topic to use at this age level."
Jensen further stated that school administrators
have already spoken to the teacher and that no further
disciplinary action will be taken. (The Advocate)