A Lutheran
congregation in San Francisco is scheduled to ordain an
openly gay minister June 16 who is not
celibate--a move that directly challenges the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's policy of
requiring lifelong celibacy of its gay and lesbian clergy
while imposing no such restrictions on heterosexuals.
The ceremony will mark the third such challenge to the
policy in eight months.
Dawn Roginski
will be ordained at St. Francis Lutheran Church in an
"extraordinary ordination" service. The ceremonies,
which run outside the usual guidelines of Lutheran
ordinations by certifying the credentials of
openly identified sexual minorities, have been
fashioned by the Lutheran Lesbian and Gay Ministries.
Fourteen ECLA and two independent Lutheran congregations are
now served by openly gay pastors who have gone through the
"extraordinary candidacy project."
As it faces
increased pressure to overturn the policy, ELCA will revisit
the issue at its biennial assembly August 6-11 in
Chicago. (The Advocate)