President Nixon
and his 1972 reelection campaign tried to tie Democrats
to the mob, gay liberation, and even slavery, according to
newly released papers and tapes betraying bare-knuckle
tactics from the dawn of the Watergate scandal.
Still, even as
Nixon's lieutenants explored every avenue for defeating
Democrat George McGovern and neutralizing critics of all
stripes-- "hit them'' was a favorite
phrase--the president brooded over his
reputation as a hard man whose gentle side was not being
seen by the public.
Nixon called that
side of him ''the whole warmth business.''
In 1970 he wrote
an 11-page, single-spaced memo detailing his acts of
kindness to staff and strangers and expressing regret that
he was getting no credit for being ''nicey-nice.''
And in the
profanity-laced conversational style for which he was
known in private, Nixon complained bitterly about Democratic
campaign hecklers who shouted down his speeches, in
contrast to well-mannered Republicans.
''Our people,''
he snapped, ''are so goddamn polite.''
released 78,000 documents and 11 1/2 hours of taped
conversations from Nixon's presidency as part of a
transfer of control of the Richard M. Nixon Library
and Birthplace from private interests to the federal
government on Wednesday.
The new material
shows a keen interest in tainting the Democratic ticket
of George McGovern and running mate Sargent Shriver by any
means possible in the months leading up to Nixon's
landslide reelection and then to the Watergate
revelations that consumed Nixon's presidency in 1974.
The idea was to
''move the negative on McGovern,'' as aide Pat Buchanan
put it.
McGovern, who
will be 85 this month, told AP on Wednesday the tactics
were ''another example of how the Nixon administration
drifted away from both common sense and decency.'' And
he noted that Nixon seemed to take little satisfaction
in the outcome.
''I think it's
rather sad that at the moment of Nixon's greatest triumph,
his victory over me in '72, he seemed to be angry and
resentful and peevish,'' he said. ''One would have
thought that he would have been filled with joy and
jubilation, but apparently that isn't the case.''
In one tactic,
detailed in an August 1972 memo, an aide reports to chief
of staff H.R. Haldeman on setting up an ''apparatus'' to
comb through lists of McGovern's staff and
contributors for ''left-wing mob connections.''
This was two
months after the break-in at Democratic headquarters at the
Watergate complex by burglars tied to Nixon's reelection
committee and before the cover-up was fully exposed.
Another memo
recommended looking for TV footage of an apparent Democratic
debate over a ''Gay Lib'' plank in that party's platform.
Nixon aides salivated over the prospect of showing
that to Middle America: ''It would make excellent
footage in a union hall during the campaign,'' wrote
political aide Gordon Strachan.
And Nixon aides
worked assiduously to plant negative stories, including
one alleging Shriver's ancestors were slaveholders.
An operative ''is
trying to get the story fed into certain segments of
Black media and will give it to Black surrogates,'' an aide
told Chuck Colson, Nixon's chief counsel.
Nixon aide Daniel
Patrick Moynihan, later a Democratic senator, blasted
White House and campaign colleagues for putting
''intolerable'' falsehoods in the president's mouth.
''This demeans
the Presidency and will mar his victory,'' Moynihan said
of unspecified errors that ''riddled'' Nixon's speeches.
''You should hit those speechwriters hard,'' he told
insecurities seemed only to be deepened by the election
results, even though he won every state except
Massachusetts. He was obsessed with outperforming
Lyndon Johnson, and he was upset with the
congressional results and eager to deflect the blame.
The GOP lost two
Senate seats and gained only 12 in the House.
''The people that
I saw we were running in some of the northern and
western states--God, they seemed like a bunch of sad
sacks,'' he said in a phone call to Harry S. Dent, an
architect of Nixon's earlier Southern strategy, the
day after the election.
''We had a host
of turkeys,'' he said in an Oval Office meeting with
Colson later in the day. ''We didn't carry
Congress...they're going to be out to slaughter us.''
''No, they are
going to be afraid of you,'' Colson replied. ''If we do it
right. Because you represent the new majority in the
In other tapes
and documents:
-An aide
proposed to Atty. Gen. John Mitchell in 1971 that John
Kerry, then a prominent antiwar activist, be recruited
as a Republican candidate. ''He is a Yale graduate and
is inclined toward the 'establishment,''' Mitchell was
Kerry eventually
became a U.S. senator and was the Democratic
presidential candidate in 2004. Mitchell took charge of
Nixon's reelection effort in 1972 and later spent 19
months in prison as a Watergate conspirator.
P. Butterfield, the White House aide who would reveal the
existence of a taping system in an explosive turn in the
Watergate probe, wrote an exasperated memo about the
care and feeding of Nixon's dog, King Timahoe, in
''I think the
miserable sessions I endured in Latin II as a high school
sophomore were easier,'' he groused to Haldeman after
meeting Nixon's valet to discuss ''doggie affairs.''
In his 1970 memo
to Haldeman on the subject of warmth, Nixon listed off
page after page of his unappreciated ''good deeds.''
''There are
innumerable examples of warm items,'' he wrote. Among them:
calling people who are sick, writing to people who have
fallen on hard times, visiting sick children, family
parties for the poor, and much more.
''With regard to
the whole warmth business, a very important point to
underline is that we do not try to broker such items,'' he
wrote, meaning that the White House did not promote
them, but he rather hoped they would be
He just wished
people knew that ''this is a happy White House.''
The White House
sounded none too happy in much of the material. Instead,
all the president's men seemed fearful, always watching
their backs.
In September
1971, Colson wrote to Haldeman about a ''hatchet column'' he
was trying to get killed in the press, based on a leaked
memo Colson had written.
''What scares
hell out of me is that there are a lot of other memos
around here written by me, you and others that could blow us
right out of the water,'' he wrote. ''Perhaps some
sleuthing should be done.'' (Calvin Woodward, AP)