We met on
myspace, he was cute, he asked me to dinner, so here we sit
in a crowded, noisy restaurant. I feel the race
question getting closer. I've developed a sixth
sense for it. I wonder if he'll dance around it
with euphemisms or ask directly.
"So where
are you from originally?" Maybe he actually wants to
know what city I lived in. I give him the benefit of
the doubt.
I moved here eight years ago--"
"I mean,
what's your background?"
Bingo! I
don't think it's improper to ask one's
race, especially because I'm one of those
people most can't figure out. What I find odd is the
reaction my answer brings.
I'm dark because my dad's Filipino and tall
because my mom's white."
From here, the
date goes down one of three paths: the "adjusted
guy," who's just making conversation and
wants to know more about me--a very rare find;
the "rice queen," who especially seeks out
Asians and needs confirmation that he's got
one; or the "minute rice queen," who
doesn't generally like Asians, seems
disappointed with my answer, and must decide whether
to make an exception in my case.
"I thought
you were Latino."
"Yeah, a
lot of people think that. What's your
"You just
don't seem like one." The shift in his body
language indicates I've just dropped a
deal-breaker. "I don't normally find Asians
very attractive." It's almost a hint for
me to take it back. "I still think
you're cute."
Well, thanks,
sort of. He's attracted to me despite my race.
I remember
a guy who was attracted to me because of my race. He
grunted, "I love that dark Filipino skin" and
"Do me with that hot Filipino
c*#%!"--repeatedly. I felt exactly the same
weirdness I do now.
Well, which way
do you want it? I scold myself. And no crap about being
desired for what's on the inside. It's natural
to want the validation of physical attraction, but
awkward when it comes hand in hand with racial
I suppose if we
could choose whom we are physically attracted to, there
might be no gay community. If sexual orientation is genetic,
why are people attracted to certain races and body
types? Maybe rice queens, "chubby
chasers," and my mad attraction to short guys are
determined in part by genetics too.
It could be that
nature and nurture combine to make people attracted to
feminine men, dominant women, or transgender, older, or
brown-eyed people. Tastes even change sometimes.
I've had friends whose lack of sexual interest
in black or Asian men was reversed after a trip to Africa
or Asia. I was given a T-shirt once that said once you go
asian, you never go caucasian. It's possible
there's something to that "you never
know until you try it" logic. However, does that mean
I should try to have sex with women? What if
I'm gay because I'm sexist on some level? I
don't think that's true--but most people
who "just aren't into femmes, fatties,
blacks, or Asians" don't think they're
bigots. But doesn't it sound that way?
Any number of
things could shape what we look for in a partner. All that
matters to me is that people aren't jerks about their
tastes. Qualifying your appreciation by denigrating a
race is, at the very least, impolite. Think of my race
as my family. "Everyone in your family is
unattractive except you" is not a good opener.
Neither is "I've wanted to get with
someone in your hot family for a while."
My date
doesn't seem to be a jerk per se. Maybe I can use
this opportunity to start a dialogue. Plus he's
sexy. Funny how forgiving that makes you. I'll
be disarming and make a joke.
"Are you
worried about penis size?"
"Should I
be?" he smirks.
Should I be?"
He laughs.
"Are you saying I have a small penis because
I'm Asian?" Yep, he's Asian too.
See? Every family has its impolite relatives, even my
Truth is, sexual
attraction and racism are sticky subjects no matter what
your background. Maybe you can't control whom
you're attracted to, but you can control how
you respond to finding an imported from asia label on
your date--just be happy you found someone you