Rudy Giuliani, a
GOP moderate on social issues, is quietly trying to sell
himself to Iowa and New Hampshire voters as a conservative
on fiscal and security matters with an under-the-radar
campaign of direct mail and radio ads.
His fliers
contend he ''cut more taxes than any mayor in New York City
history'' and restored fiscal discipline to a city out of
control. They say he ''made families safer, putting
criminals in jail.'' His radio spots echo those
themes. Like his campaign speeches, his media pitches
ignore his left-leaning stances on issues like abortion, gun
control, and gay rights.
roughly $5 million flurry of outreach activity in Iowa and
New Hampshire over the past few months counters a
belief among political insiders that he has given
short shrift to those early voting states.
Indeed, he has
shunned the broad-reach costly television ads typical of a
front-running candidate. Rather, Giuliani has chosen
quieter, relatively cheaper avenues to target voters
more precisely in both states -- conservatives who
make up a large part of the GOP primary electorate and
others his campaign has identified as likely to be persuaded
to vote for him.
''He's running
the pragmatic campaign,'' said Evan Tracey, president of
TNS Media Intelligence/Campaign Media Analysis Group, which
tracks political advertising. ''He's being efficient,
and I think he's doing the type of media right now
that the campaign is comfortable with.''
The reasons for
his TV absence are twofold:
-He became
a national figure following the 2001 terrorist attacks,
leaving many people with a positive image of him and a sense
that they know him. Thus his campaign sees little
reason to air the early television ads typically used
to introduce a candidate to voters.
-He also
must preserve his bank account to be able to compete against
ultrawealthy Mitt Romney, who already has sunk $17.5 million
of his own money into his bid -- including more than
$10 million for TV ads -- and has tens of millions of
dollars more available to tap.
That said,
Giuliani's campaign has checked TV ad rates in several
early-voting states, including Iowa and New Hampshire -- an
indication that it's gearing up to buy airtime.
In the meantime,
Giuliani has paid at least $4 million to a Texas-based
direct mail company for at least a dozen mailers in Iowa and
New Hampshire combined, while spending more than
$500,000 for radio ads in both states as well as South
''No one is going
to spend that kind of money if they're not serious
about competing there. If they were going to write those
states off, they wouldn't be spending a nickel there,
they'd spend it somewhere else,'' said Christopher
LaCivita, a Republican strategist unaffiliated with any
presidential candidate. ''If you're spending that kind of
money, you're playing to win.''
Giuliani's media
approach has borne mixed results.
He is locked in a
race for second place behind the double-digit leading
Romney in Iowa, a state where social conservatives dominate
and where Giuliani was not expected to do well given
his moderate views on such issues as abortion, gun
control, and gay rights. In New Hampshire, Giuliani is
in a close race for the lead after starting to close a gap
with Romney, who led by wide margins over the summer.
Giuliani's aides
still view Florida and delegate-rich states that hold
contests on Feb. 5 as the most amenable territory. But the
recent mail-and-radio effort reflects a recognition
that Giuliani can't afford a series of losses before
those states vote -- and that he's making a play to do
well in both Iowa and New Hampshire, if not win.
He has visited
both states multiple times this year, but he has
intensified his campaigning in New Hampshire over the past
two weeks and was in the state Monday. Compared with
Iowa, aides believe his message has a better chance of
resonating in New Hampshire because Republicans there
aren't overly focused on social issues and Giuliani is a
fellow Northeasterner.
Over the past few
months, a glossy brochure was sent to Iowa and New
Hampshire voters laying out Giuliani's so-called 12
commitments -- broad policy positions that amount to
''a promise to this generation and generations to come
that we will keep the American dream alive.''
On security
issues, he pledges in one mailer: ''I will end illegal
immigration, secure our borders and identify every
non-citizen in our nation.'' Another references Sept.
11, 2001, and includes this quote from him: ''You face
bullies, tyrants, and terrorists with intelligence and
strength, not weakness. This is going to be our challenge
for this generation.''
On government
spending: ''I have the strongest record of fiscal
conservatism, and I developed this record in one of the
least conservative cities in America.
The radio ads
carry largely the same themes, and one other: He can beat
Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.
An Iowa spot
calls Giuliani the Democrats' ''worst nightmare.'' Another
in New Hampshire argues that he's ''the Republican that
Democrats just don't want to run against.'' (Liz
Sidoti, AP)