Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori says her
church has been unfairly singled out for criticism because
it is honest about consecrating gay bishops.
Jefferts Schori
told BBC Radio 4's PM program that the New
York-based church, which is the Anglican body in the U.S.,
is far from the only Anglican province that has a bishop
with a same-sex partner. In 2003, Episcopalians
elected the first openly gay bishop, V. Gene Robinson
of New Hampshire, causing an uproar that has pushed the
Anglican family toward a split.
''He is certainly
not alone in being a gay bishop; he's certainly not
alone in being a gay partnered bishop,'' Jefferts Schori
said in an interview broadcast Tuesday. ''He is alone
in being the only gay partnered bishop who's open
about that status.''
The 77
million-member Anglican Communion is a global
fellowship of churches that trace their roots to the
Church of England. Most Anglicans are traditionalists
who believe Scripture bars gay relationships.
Liberal-leaning Anglicans believe the Bible's social justice
teachings on acceptance should apply to same-sex
The national
Episcopal Church has not developed an official public prayer
to bless gay couples churchwide. However, Jefferts Schori
and other Episcopal leaders acknowledge that such
ceremonies take place in many parishes. She said other
Anglican churches do the same.
''Those services
are happening in various places, including in the Church
of England, where my understanding is that there are far
more of them happening than there are in the Episcopal
Church,'' Jefferts Schori said. (AP)