Hillary Clinton (10/26/47) Someone once said
that Hillary Clinton has "alternately fascinated,
bedeviled, bewitched, and appalled Americans." To that
I say, yeah, just like every other powerful Scorpio
woman. Clinton is one of the more complex and
misunderstood energies of all sun signs. In fact, this sign
has three symbols -- the scorpion, phoenix, and
eagle, alluding to her multidimensionality. Each is
intrinsically tied to the others, symbolizing growth
phases of personal mastery. Perhaps there's no symbol
more compelling than the phoenix, the bird that periodically
dies and rises from the ashes. And since she's
lived many (or at least three) different lives in this
one, radical reinvention is Hillary's nature -- which
bodes well for a public that wants nothing less than total,
definitive change. Her chart is striking in another way: The
majority of her planets are in the fixed signs of
Scorpio and Leo. "Fixed" describes energy. Fixed-sign
people carry energy similar to the hub of a moving
wheel; they are the centralizing force, the unyielding,
stable center. Hillary's focus and determination are
obvious. If she becomes the first woman to win the
presidency, she'll reinvent the wheel in more ways
than one. Other Scorpio presidents: John Adams, James
Garfield, Warren G. Harding, James Polk, Theodore
Barack Obama (8/04/61) Probe the mind of most
Leos and you'll find they already think they are president
(of something). Barack has four luminaries, including
the sun, in theatrical Leo. He's not an
actor-turned-politician, but he might as well be, with
the charisma and candor this sign is known for. Leos possess
the unique gift of making the people around them feel
famous by virtue of standing next to their spotlight.
Yet Barack's feel-good glamour is balanced by Mars in
hardworking, humble Virgo. Mars tells how he'll get things
done, and in Virgo his work ethic is efficiency and
service. Obama appeals to "invisible helpers" -- those
working to make the world a better place (Virgo)
-- primarily because he considers himself one of those
people. Other Leo presidents: Benjamin Harrison, Herbert
Hoover, Bill Clinton.
John McCain (8/29/36) forgoes the hocus-pocus
of politics because, quite simply, he's a Virgo. Virgo
people don't succeed by playing a political (or any
other) game better than others, but by staying closely
married to problem-solution thinking -- to the humble
work of the task at hand. Virgos are champions of the
underdog and of the daunting task of playing an
underdog's hand in a big dog's world.
It's his commonality, his level-headed appeal to everyday
folks that drives McCain's campaign ethos. His
reputation for talking candidly and at length with
reporters communicates this message. Interestingly, of
these three candidates, McCain is the eldest.
Astrologically, he belongs to the Pluto in Cancer
generation (those born between 1914 and 1939), an era
when nationalist sentiments all over the world were strong.
That explains his patriotic appeal to old-fashioned
values. As all Virgos know, they're only as effective
as the well-being of the system they're part of. And
if McCain became president, his focus would inevitably be
about fixing it. Just like a Virgo. Other Virgo presidents:
Lyndon Johnson, William Taft.