That's the number of days since Sen. Barack Obama has
spoken to the local LGBT press, according to the April
18-24, 2008, cover of the Philadelphia Gay News.
During my
interview this month with Senator Obama, he said,
"The gay press may feel like I'm not
giving them enough love. But basically, all press
feels that way at all times." That is true. Even
reporters from some large mainstream outlets have
long-standing interview requests with the senator that
haven't come to fruition.
Then Senator
Obama added, "We tend not to do a whole bunch of
specialized press. We try to do general press for a
general readership." Upon review, the LGBT
press is running at a deficit in terms of access to Obama
relative to other interest-group media. In combined print
and broadcast, Senator Obama has done at least eight
interviews with African-American outlets and at least
five interviews with the Spanish-language press (a
listing is included at the end of this article). To date, he
has done two interviews with LGBT media.
Regarding Senator
Obama's greater visibility in other specialty press,
his spokesman Ben LaBolt said, "Our campaign has
built an aggressive LGBT outreach program that has
helped us rack up victories in cities with large LGBT
populations like San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago,
and Columbus, and has included two interviews with
The Advocate, two op-eds in LGBT papers,
and print advertisements that directly appealed to the
LGBT community."
LaBolt echoed
Senator Obama's comments from our interview that the
campaign has made a point of not "segmenting the
electorate into different demographic groups"
but instead uniting people across a spectrum.
"In addition to speaking with supportive groups,
Obama has taken a message of equal rights for LGBT
Americans to audiences that are less receptive,
challenging homophobia time and again," said LaBolt.
"Our campaign has and will continue to be in
continuous contact with the LGBT press, and expect to
conduct additional interviews with them in the coming
Though Senator
Obama's interaction with the LGBT media is perhaps
one measure of how he prioritizes the community, the
fundamental question many are asking is, Which
candidate, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, would more
fully incorporate LGBT people into their administration and
advance our cause? While it's impossible to answer
that question without a crystal ball, looking at a
combination of their outreach efforts, political team,
and press availability yields some nuanced insights that
may have as much to do with their standing in the race as it
does with their commitment to queer issues.
First off, both
candidates have out LGBT people in the upper echelons of
their campaign: Steve Hildebrand, Senator Obama's
deputy national campaign manager, is often referred to
as simply "Obama's number 2." On
Senator Clinton's side, Guy Cecil, former political
director for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee, serves as the campaign's national
political and field director.
In terms of their
outreach efforts, the two candidates have taken
separate paths. Mark Walsh, Clinton's LGBT outreach
director, was hired about a year ago by the New York
senator to head up her LGBT steering committee. For
Senator Obama, LGBT efforts are juggled between several
people -- Tobias Wolff, Stampp Corbin, Eric Stern, and Matt
Nosanchuk -- all of whom volunteer their time to the
This typifies the
initial approaches of both campaigns. Clinton took a
highly proactive top-down management approach to attracting
gays and lesbians to her campaign, committing a
portion of her campaign funds to the concept of having
one person steward that process. Meanwhile, Obama
employed more of a grassroots philosophy -- get people
involved from the bottom up and imbue them with the
power to make things happen.
Obama's more decentralized strategy -- which ran
through all aspects of his campaign -- worked
especially well for him in caucus states such as Iowa.
Not only did he have a visible gay ground game in the
Hawkeye State -- where I saw his LGBT volunteers meet
regularly to organize canvassing efforts -- but the
candidate also held a Q&A on LGBT issues with more
than 300 people at a sandwich shop in Des Moines. He
was the only candidate to do so there, something
that brought Senator Obama a lot of queer
converts in Iowa even as South Carolina's gay
contingent was seething over the campaign's inclusion
of antigay singer Donnie McClurkin in gospel tour of
the state. As they say, all politics is local.
Leading up to
Tsunami Tuesday, Senator Clinton continued to follow a
more centralized outreach plan, casting her net wide through
the LGBT media. Having already bagged a cover story in
The Advocate in September (Edwards and
Obama were also offered covers), she conducted an
interview with the national cable channel Logo and
posted a letter to the LGBT community on OurChart.com. The
approach was in sync with her campaign's
overall strategy of garnering the larger delegate-rich
states on February 5, such as California, New York, and New
For his part,
Obama continued with his micro approach before the Super
Tuesday vote -- both within the community and outside of it.
He visited places like the red state of Idaho, which
had only 18 pledged delegates up for grabs, and in his
final effort to undercut portions of Clinton's
power base in California -- the biggest prize on the map --
he conducted a candidate phone call with Californian
LGBT activists, among other things. (Clinton still
took California 52% to 43%, but he walloped her in
Idaho, taking 80% to her 17% of the vote, one of many caucus
contests that have served him well.)
The period
after Super Tuesday marked a turning point as Senator
Clinton went more micro than ever, especially with gays and
lesbians. She granted the much-reported interviews to
Ohio, Texas, and Philadelphia gay weeklies and
did candidate calls with several LGBT organizations
whose endorsement she sought.
Senator Obama
also conducted a candidate call with Houston's LGBT
Caucus, but he opted to buy ads in the Texas and Ohio
weeklies. Some have criticized the tactic, and it
certainly didn't raise his accessibility
quotient, but cash-laden front-runners are prone to buying
ads in lieu of giving interviews. Senator Obama began
to act like a politician who was ahead in the polls.
Though Senator
Obama has been less visible in the gay press, it is
also true that he talks about gays regularly to general
audiences. He did so again last Friday in Philadelphia
in front of a crowd of roughly 30,000, his biggest
rally to date. Certainly, the mainstreaming of LGBT
issues is integral to our fight for equality -- the
community will gain little without popular support.
Nonetheless, gays
and lesbians are still thirsty to hear from the senator
in order to be clear about his intentions regarding the
community, and rightfully so. While mainstream
mentions are critical to us gaining visibility, they
do little to clarify the specifics of a candidate's
strategy for advancing LGBT rights. This is something
Senator Clinton has increasingly embraced over the
course of her campaign.
When Senator
Obama chose to speak to the LGBT press, he sat down with a
national magazine. Asked about this decision by reporter
Lisa Keen, LaBolt responded, "It reaches a wide
As a journalist,
I was thrilled to get that interview. But personally,
I'm less concerned about whether Senator Obama is
talking to local or national gay outlets than the
frequency with which he is talking to us. Not
only do LGBT-specific interviews give the community a
measure of accountability for what he might do as
president, but they also give us a way to know
his heart on our issues. As the saying goes, all
politics is local -- that's as true for specific
populations as it is geographically.
Specialty Press
African-American Media
* Tom Joyner
Morning Show
* Steve Harvey
Morning Show
* Russ Parr
Morning Show, syndicated
* Ebony
* Black Enterprise
* Vibe
* Essence
* Live in the
Den With the Big Tigger
Spanish-Language Media
* Univision
* La
Opinion (Los Angeles)
* Andres
Oppenheimer, syndicated columnist
* Piolin por
la Manana, radio show (twice, one