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Kmart Exec
Officially Resigns to Join California Marriage Fight

Kmart Exec
Officially Resigns to Join California Marriage Fight


The former chief marketing officer for Kmart, Bill Stewart, officially joined the Equality for All campaign to help defeat a proposed California constitutional amendment on the ballot this November that intends to ban same-sex marriage.

The former chief marketing officer for Kmart, Bill Stewart, officially joined the Equality for All campaign to help defeat a proposed California constitutional amendment on the ballot this November that would ban same-sex marriage.

Stewart recently resigned from his executive position at Sears Holdings, Kmart's parent, where he earned a six-figure salary and had stock options and opportunities for bonuses. He has signed on to work as an unpaid volunteer with the Equality for All, a coalition of gay advocacy groups dedicated to defending same-sex marriage and defeating the marriage amendment in California.

About 50 groups are members of the coalition. Prominent members are the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Equality California, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Stewart made the decision to change careers after attending a GLAAD national board meeting in Los Angeles in early June regarding the looming threat to same-sex marriage.

If voters approve the ballot measure, same-sex weddings would no longer be performed in California, and marriages that have already occurred might be voided. (The Advocate)

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