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Wisconsin Gay
Couples Could Face Jail for Marrying in California

Wisconsin Gay
Couples Could Face Jail for Marrying in California

Same-sex couples from Wisconsin who go to California to marry could face criminal charges when they return home.

Same-sex couples from Wisconsin who go to California to marry could face criminal charges when they return home.

A Wisconsin law makes it a criminal offense to enter into a marriage outside the state if that marriage were illegal in Wisconsin.

The law was passed decades ago to prevent underage couples from crossing state lines to marry, but it could be used against same-sex couples, TheCapital Times of Madison reported Wednesday.

The penalty is a fine of up to $10,000, nine months in prison, or both.

Wisconsin law limits marriage to opposite-sex couples.

Same-sex marriage became legal in California following a state supreme court ruling that went into effect June 17.

While Massachusetts, the only other state to offer marriage to gay couples, will marry out-of-state couples only if their unions would be legal at home, the California ruling allows for marriage licenses to be issued to all same-sex couples. (The Advocate)

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