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Dr. Frank's Ten Tips on How to Quit Smoking 

Dr. Frank's Ten Tips on How to Quit Smoking 


Quitting can be tough. Here's how to be successful.

1. Set a date to quit and stop smoking completely. Don't even take a puff.

2. Get rid of all cigarettes, even your secret stash.

3. Don't let people smoke around you. It's too tempting.

4. Get support from your friends and family.

5. Consider group counseling.

6. Learn stress- reduction techniques, like exercising or walking, to avoid the urge.

7. Drink lots of water.

8. Talk to your doctor about the different types of medications that are now available.

9. Consider getting counseling by telephone at 800-QUIT- NOW.

10. Be prepared for relapses, and if you do fall off the wagon, get right back on it.

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