Triangle Square,
Hollywood's LGBT senior living center, was abuzz Tuesday
morning with all things election. Volunteers with The
Buddy System -- a non-profit group currently in its
development stages which would ultimately pair seniors
with younger buddies to promote intergeneration
interaction -- shuttled a few groups of residents who had
not already voted with an absentee ballot down to the
nearest polling place (the shuttle was donated by
Christopher Street West).
This is the first
election for Triangle Square, said executive director
Mark Supper, and nearly all of the residents
voted. Residents have been active since they started moving
into the center last year. When Proposition 8 was
placed on the ballot, some seniors took to the streets
and set up an information table outside of the
building each week. During a farmer's market that takes
place on the street outside, some residents set up a
booth, and raised $2,800 to fight Proposition 8.
Here are a few
words from some of the voters the morning of the election:
Maria Dolores Diaz, age 70: ?"I've been an
activist since the 1960s, at first for the Latino and
Chicano community. I used to work with young adults
for higher education, and later Cal State L.A. I moved
to gay and lesbian politics later on. I went to the
March on Washington in the 1970s, and I left California to
go to New Mexico and Arizona to work on gay and
lesbian rights.
"When I voted the
first time, for John Kennedy, it was really exciting
for me to vote in the United States. I was a naturalized
citizen, so some of my family friends from Honduras were
like, 'How could you do this to your country?' But I
got over it quickly. Politics has always been
important to me. My parents were both activists, working on
social causes."
Phillip Radtke, age 65:?"I was a lifelong
Democrat, growing up in Orange County when it was even more
conservative than it is now. I used to joke that my
dad and myself were the only Democrats in the county.
"If I could talk
to myself at age 20, I would say, 'Don't let fear
Paul Ehret:?"One of the important things
for me is that the issue of gays in the military comes back
into the race. Enlistment has been so low that other
countries have accepted it, and even some generals
have come around and said we have to look at this
issue again. I think if we do well with congressional seats,
and have a [progressive] president, we'll get along
well with that.
"I voted in 1968,
and I've been through the Briggs Initiative. As a gay
man, we always knew there would be a raid on a gay bar
between Labor Day and Election Day, because councilmen
were running for reelection, and they promised to
clean up vice, and we were considered to be vice at that
time. In 1976, when the bathhouses were raided over on
Sunset, it was really scary -- they put handcuffs on
us, and lined us all up. There were helicopters
overhead, it was the lead story on the news. I always ended
up where the raids were!"
Bryant Gordon:?"I've been voting now for
almost 50 years. This year, it's been really like a party.
People are really into it. I'm not speaking just on
the gay issues, but all the issues. The spirit of
voting now is really being impressed in this election.
I remember when Dewey defeated Truman, and it was because
nobody went to the polls. Nobody expected that. And my
parents were Republican -- I was the only Democrat in
my entire family!"
Andi Segal, age "63 and proud of it":?"I feel
that No on 8 is so important that it goes through.
There's so many young couples now with children, and
the one that makes the most money could claim the
child as a dependent. I was with my lover for 36 years, and
she wasn't able to claim my son, even though she made
much more money than me. She would have been able to
get him on her medical insurance. Instead he had
medical and Medicare for a long time with me. I was a
working mother always. I just feel that the children
of today need to have their rights and the best
medical care ever."
Nancy Valverde, age 76:?"I was arrested when I
was 17 for being a lesbian. I was held for days in the
County jail. I wasn't booked, or charged with
anything. The district attorney said, 'That's what you
get for cutting your hair so short.'
"I've voted in
every election as soon as I became old enough. And I
always vote for a Democrat because I've never been better
off under a Republican. I came out when I was 15, and
I've been very politically active. My journey through
life has always been very rocky. I'm not a conformist,
and I do what I damn well please."
Lee Glaze:?"Michelle's going to be the first
lady, and his little daughters are going to have a
gorgeous room, and I'd love to decorate it. Years ago,
there was a friend of mine who was a florist, who
asked me if I wanted to do some work. I asked him where, and
he said, 'The White House.' I said, 'Well, which White
House?' and he said, 'The White House.' So we
decorated the tree at the Reagan White House.
"[John F.]
Kennedy was my first election. And then I campaigned my
tits off for Bobby. He had a split personality. I remember
him yelling at some aides. I wanted to hit him with my
cane. He was a real lion.
"If it's an
election, if you want something, you've gotta get it --
just do it. This is an election, not a soup kitchen. The
gays now have no clue where they come from. They
think, 'Oh, you can dance with whomever you want,
wherever,' but it used to be against the law.
"Poo Bear," age 81:?"My first election was in
1946. I've been voting ever since. I've been a
Democrat all my life, so I've always voted Democrat
all my life. Coming up, we used to say that the
Democrats were the poor people, and the Republicans were all
the wealthy people and I came from a poor family!
"We need a change
from the Bush administration. I figure Obama would be
taking it to a different area from where this country is
concerned -- civil rights and such -- and that he
would take it on the right track. We desperately need
help, especially with the economy. The way prices are
going, it's difficult to make it. Sometimes at the end of
the month, there's no food in the cupboard. But my
dog, Pookie Bear, eats first. I gotta take care of
him. He's my baby.
John Logan, age 73:?"One of the gay
community's greatest advances is having the power to
talk back to the people that were in power. When Chief
Davis was the chief of police, we were fighting against
the Briggs Initiative in 1978. I was getting interviewed on
the news one day, and boy, I laid into him like you
wouldn't believe. But to show the power we earned, he
eventually turned around, and he became our ally in
order to get elected to the California senate. When West
Hollywood became a city, it was a really big deal. In
1984, I was with our mayor, who was a woman, and we
went up to ... Barney's Beanery, and she ordered them to
remove the 'No f****ts Allowed' sign.