On Thursday,
February 19, the San Francisco-based Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender Historical Society will host "Milk
Skimmed," a roundtable about what was left out
of Gus Van Sant's Oscar-nominated movie.
Milk's critical acclaim, box-office
success, and growing collection of awards, some historians
say the movie sidelined many prominent activists for
gay rights in the 1970s, including lesbians and people
of color, who stood with gay hero Harvey Milk.
Skimmed" will explore alternative stories and
discuss what Milk tells us about queer
representation in popular culture today.
panelists include Tomas Almaguer, ethnic studies
professor and former dean of the College of Ethnic
Studies at San Francisco State University; Gwenn
Craig, one of the cochairs of No on 6, a key
organization working with Harvey Milk for the 1978 defeat of
the Briggs Initiative, which would have stripped
California's gay public-school teachers of their jobs;
and Joshua Gamson, sociology professor at University
of San Francisco.
Skimmed" is the kickoff event of Talking Back: Queer
History Fully Exposed.
The event, free
and open to the public, will take place from 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. at the society's main office, 657 Mission St.,
Suite 300, San Francisco. For more information visit
www.glbthistory.org. (Rhiza Dizon,