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Hawaii House of
Representatives Passes Civil Unions Bill

Hawaii House of
Representatives Passes Civil Unions Bill

Hawaii's house of representatives passed a civil unions bill Friday by a 33-17 vote; if passed by the state senate, it would allow same-sex couples access to a legal union in the state.

Hawaii's house of representatives passed a civil unions bill Friday by a 33-17 vote. If passed by the state senate, it would allow same-sex couples access to a legal union in the state. The unions would offer the couples the same state rights and benefits afforded to married couples.

Upon receiving the news that the civil union bill was passed by the house, Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese expressed HRC's support in a press release, stating, "Human Rights Campaign congratulates Hawaii's house of representatives for recognizing that all couples and all families deserve basic rights and protections. This legislation is simply about moving closer to equality for all residents of Hawaii."

The bill now moves to the senate.

Hawaii currently allows gay couples to enter into reciprocal beneficiary relationships and receive limited rights and benefits, but the state offers nothing equivalent to marriage. (Shannon Connolly,

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