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New York Post

Cartoonist Incites Outrage, Protests

New York Post

Cartoonist Incites Outrage, Protests

New York Post cartoonist Sean Delonas, whose work earned a Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation citation for Worst Defamation in 2008, has found himself in hot water again -- this time for a cartoon printed in the Post February 18.

New York Post cartoonist Sean Delonas, whose work earned a Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation citation for Worst Defamation in 2008, has found himself in hot water again -- this time for a cartoon printed in the Post February 18. The cartoon, intending to combine and parody two recent news stories, depicts police having killed a chimpanzee and then remarking, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." The quote was clearly intended to be a not-so-subtle reference to President Obama.

GLAAD president Neil Guiliano released a statement about the cartoon, saying, "Sean Delonas has a history of defamatory work and we stand with those who decry this recent cartoon as unacceptable and a vicious portrayal that neither enlightens nor entertains. It's unacceptable that the New York Post continues to provide a platform for such instances of hateful defamation."

Delonas's work has led to protests of the Post, initiated by activists outraged at the messages presented in his cartoons. His work has lampooned same-sex marriage, among other things. (Shannon Connolly,

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