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Pelosi: No Timeline on
DADT, Yes on Inclusive ENDA

Pelosi: No Timeline on
DADT, Yes on Inclusive ENDA

House speaker Nancy Pelosi told a room full of progressive journalists at a Tuesday morning breakfast that "don't ask, don't tell" will be repealed "when we have the votes" but wouldn't offer a timeline for when that might be.

House speaker Nancy Pelosi told a room full of progressive journalists at a Tuesday morning breakfast that "don't ask, don't tell" will be repealed "when we have the votes" but wouldn't offer a timeline for when that might be.

An inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act, she said, will take priority.

"The priorities have been hate crimes and ENDA, fully inclusive legislation in those two areas, so we'll have to have our strategy work around on how we can get those passed, as well as move forward on 'don't ask, don't tell," she said.

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