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Sean Penn Is Here to
Recruit You

Sean Penn Is Here to
Recruit You

Sean Penn, Dustin Lance Black, and the director and producers of Milk are here to recruit you ... on behalf of the Courage Campaign.

Sean Penn, Dustin Lance Black, and the director and producers of Milk are here to recruit you ... on behalf of the Courage Campaign .

Moments after oral arguments concluded in the California supreme court to decide the validity of Prop. 8, the Courage Campaign sent out an e-mail on behalf of Penn, Black, Gus Van Sant, Bruce Cohen, Dan Jinks, and Cleve Jones urging people to join the struggle and continue to fight for equal rights.

"No matter what the state supreme court decides, the fight for equality will continue in California and across the country," the letter reads. "If we win, the same people who backed Prop. 8 will find another way to undermine equal rights. If we lose, we will need to take our case to the people of California again. No matter what, we'll eventually need to win full equality under federal law."

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