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Roundup: News
from Around the Web

Roundup: News
from Around the Web

Bachelorette parties are storming gay bars, North Carolinians polled on gay marriage and more.

Attack of the "heterosexist" bachelorettes? Once warmly welcomed among the boys, straight brides-to-be are now charged with insensitivity for celebrating at gay venues.

50/50 : Half of the respondents to a new Elon University poll say they would oppose an amendment to ban gay marriage in North Carolina.

No-shows : Members of the Westboro Baptist Church failed to appear at a planned protest in Oklahoma City, where a teacher recently was suspended in connection to a student production of The Laramie Project .

Next steps in Vermont : A special senate session considers gay marriage legislation today.

To Russia, with tough love : European parliamentarians asked the Council of Europe to take action against the Russian Federation for its repeated bans on gay pride assemblies.

Shut your pie hole : A British DJ is reprimanded for mocking the sexuality of openly gay singer, Will Young.

Diverse curriculum: Chance Nalley, a math teacher at Columbia Secondary School in New York City, has invited his seventh-grade class to his commitment ceremony.

Keep on keepin' on : Gay marriage supporters rallied peacefully outside Los Angeles City Hall on Sunday.

Gay Days Anaheim 2024Out / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff & Wayne Brady

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