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Dismembered Man Found in Berlin Apartment

Dismembered Man Found in Berlin Apartment


Paramedics who arrived to aid a suicidal man in Berlin made a grisly discovery in his apartment.

Germany's BZ daily reports that a 43-year-old man identified as Michael S. called for help after attempting to take his own life. When paramedics arrived at the scene, they discovered the dismembered remains of another man scattered around the apartment.

Authorities say the deceased, identified as Carsten Srock, was an occasional sex partner of Michael S., and they believe he was killed for sexual pleasure.

According to the article, the remains were found with the "limbs expertly carved off with either an axe or large knife. The body pieces were then wrapped fastidiously in plastic bags and cling-wrap, and left to sit in the two-room flat for around three weeks." The head had been partially cooked.

Michael S. reportedly confessed to killing Srock, and an arrest warrant was issued Tuesday.

Srock had been reported missing January 2.

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