Drag Star to Do National Anthem

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Donna Sachet, a Bay Area-based drag star, will perform the National Anthem at the San Francisco Giants home game against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Tuesday, September 29.
According to the San Francisco Examiner, Sachet and Pat Gallagher, president of the Giants organization, met last year while working on a video for the S.F. Convention and Visitors Bureau annual luncheon. Donna mentioned her interest in singing at a game and Gallagher encouraged her to apply.
Though the pairing may seem unorthodox, both Sachet and the Giants have worked extensively to raise money for Bay Area HIV organizations.
"It doesn't surprise me, however, that the S.F. Giants would be the first team to do this, just as in 1994 when they became the first-ever professional team to host an AIDS benefit game," said Sachet in a press release for the event. "Since then, they have raised more than $1.5 million for Bay Area AIDS education and care/service organizations."
Sachet is aware she might face some animosity, but she remains excited about the opportunity.
"This game should be packed with fans, some of whom may be surprised to see me, others who may even boo, but I plan to hold my head high representing the LGBT community and honoring an American tradition."