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Charlize Goes Same Sex for Charity


Oscar winner Charlize Theron made one woman extremely happy at a charity event in San Francisco Thursday night. Cost: $140,000.

Theron was there to help raise money for the charity OneXOne, which is dedicated to delivering food and water to children around the world. When bids for a trip to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela stalled at $37,000, Theron upped the ante.

"For fuck's sake! You can do better," Theron prodded. "There is no way I am leaving here with Jeremy Piven getting a higher bid. I've got tits, for God's sake."

Piven's prize had just gone for $280,000, so Theron tossed in a make-out session with the top bidder.

A man had the top bid at $135,000 until he was beat out by a woman who bid $140,000. She made her way to the stage as Theron announced to the room, "My boyfriend isn't here tonight."

Theron made it worth her while. According to reports, the kiss lasted more than 20 seconds, and the woman even had the pleasure of lifting Theron off the ground.

Now that's dedication.

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