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Crist Depicted as Hitler in Video Spoof


The political course of Florida governor Charlie Crist took a potentially disturbing turn this week, when an anonymous video appeared online that depicts Crist as Adolf Hitler, a despotic maniac on the verge of his final breakdown. The video, which the Republican Party and Jewish groups quickly denounced, is the latest installment in the trend of Internet satires of the 2004 German film Downfall, which depicts the final days of the murderous leader.

Crist faces a tight contest for the Republican nomination for U.S. senate in 2010. His opponent, Marco Rubio, claims more conservative credentials, which the Hitler character laments in the video.

"They told me to hug Obama! Obama! Barack effing Obama!" he shouts.

The Republican Party of Florida denounced the video and demanded a full investigation into who is responsible, according to the local CBS News affiliate.

While Crist is the subject of gay rumors, that aspect of his life is not addressed in the spoof.

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