Focus on the Family founder James C. Dobson will end his 32-year tenure as the voice of the conservative Christian ministry at the end of February, the Colorado-based nonprofit announced on Friday.
Dobson has been gradually cutting ties with the organization. In 2003, Dobson stepped down as Focus on the Family's president, and last February Dobson left the ministry's board of directors.
Over the years, Dobson has become a key advocate for the religious right, promoting fierce opposition to abortion, gay rights, pornography, and President Barack Obama's candidacy.
According to Jim Daly, the current president and CEO of Focus on the Family, the decision was mutual between Dobson and the ministry's board of directors. Despite leaving the organization, Dobson will not go quietly into retirement. Dobson has agreed to return to Focus as a guest, said Gary Schneeberger, a ministry spokesman, reports The Denver Post.
A press release from the organization does not name a replacement for Dobson.