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NOM Puts New Jersey on Hit List


The antigay National Organization for Marriage, which provides significant financial backing to stall or repeal state-level marriage equality laws, has set its sights on New Jersey.

Marriage advocates are in a race against the clock -- and the opposition of the Trenton, N.J.-based National Organization for Marriage.

"New Jersey is at the very top of our list, and it's going to happen in the next few weeks if it happens at all," said Maggie Gallagher, the president of NOM, according to The Wall Street Journal. "They're doing it in a lame duck, because it's as far away from an election as possible."

Observers expect the Democrat-controlled legislature to take up a marriage equality bill in the lame duck session between now and January 19, when Chris Christie, a Republican who opposes marriage equality and has vowed to veto the bill, takes office. Last week, Christie defeated first-term incumbent Jon Corzine, a Democrat who has pledged to sign the bill.

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