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Everett Stay in Closet, Madonna an Elephant


Rupert Everett recommends that actors remain in the closet if they want to work in the film industry and discusses his relationship with former close friend Madonna in an interview with the U.K. newspaper The Guardian.

"It's not that advisable to be honest. It's not very easy. And, honestly, I would not advise any actor necessarily, if he was really thinking of his career, to come out," Everett said.

While Everett claims there are other actors who remain in the closet, he says the decision to be open about his sexuality was for the best.

"I think, all in all, I'm probably much happier than they are. I may not be as rich or successful, but at least I'm vaguely free to be myself."

In the interview, Everett also discusses his former friend and Next Best Thing costar Madonna.

In his 2007 memoir, Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins, the actor mentioned his first encounter with the Material Girl, but the pop icon was not too pleased.

"She really didn't like it," said the actor.

When asked if Madonna has forgiven him for the disclosure, Everett responded, "Elephants don't forget."

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