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Gay Pol Attempts to Unseat Lexington Mayor


The vice mayor of Lexington, Ky., who is gay, has announced that he will run for mayor in 2010.

Jim Gray (pictured), who has clashed with Mayor Jim Newberry on several key issues, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader, says his decision has a lot to do with his city's current condition and its potential. Gray joins Newberry, former mayor Teresa Isaac, and political newcomer Eric Patrick Marr in the race.

"I'm not running because Jim Newberry is a bad person at all," he told the newspaper. "I'm running because Jim has made some bad decisions."

But Newberry snapped back that while he looks forward to the race, Gray "has chosen the role of Monday-morning quarterbacking."

Gray, 56, came out publicly in October 2005. According to the report, his sexual orientation did not come up in the 2006 election campaign for the office of vice mayor.

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