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Gay Teen Guilty of Murder


A 16-year-old Florida girl was found guilty of second-degree murder in the shooting death last year of a classmate who rejected her romantic advances.

Teah Wimberly was convicted of killing 15-year-old Amanda Collette, a fellow student at a Miami high school, reports United Press International. Wimberly sent Collette text messages that declared her feeling, and shot her after those advances were rebuffed.

"After the on-campus November 2008 shooting, Wimberly called 911 and was arrested at a nearby restaurant," reported UPI, which cited The Miami Herald. She confessed to police that she shot her friend 'so she would feel pain too.'"

Wimberly's attorney is asking that his client be sent to a mental health facility rather than face life in prison. He says that she suffered abuse from her parents and was distressed because they rejected her for being gay.

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