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Janitor Catches Female Teachers Hooking Up During Talent Show


High school talent shows are all about the students, but at James Madison High School in Brooklyn, N.Y., the Spanish and the French teacher stepped into the spotlight and got caught with their pants down.

A janitor at the school alleges he walked in on Alini Brito (left), 29, and Cindy Mauro, 33, naked and fooling around with each other while students were in the auditorium watching the school talent show. He ratted the two out to school officials November 20.

Both tenured teachers have been removed from the classroom while they are investigated for misconduct. Students have set up a Facebook page to discuss the incident -- and it already has more than 500 fans.

Janitor Robert Colantuoni has refused to comment on the incident. The New York Daily News reports that Brito's husband says he is unaware of the allegations and denies the incident had taken place.

Read the full story here.

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