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Polis House ENDA Vote By February


Colorado congressman Jared Polis expects that a House version of a transgender-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act will pass by the end of February, despite concerns that the bill has stalled at a crucial time in the legislative calendar.

Polis, one of three openly gay House members, told Bil Browning of The Bilerico Project that there are sufficient votes in the Education and Labor Committee for an expected January committee vote.

"Barring something unforeseen," Polis added as a caveat.

The congressman conceded he wasn't aware of what behind-the-scenes work is being done in the Senate version of the bill. However, Polis said he "expect[s] this piece of legislation to be attached to [another bill] in the Senate" and referred to the recent hate-crimes legislation that was passed as an attachment to a $680 billion defense reauthorization bill.

Below, the full video of Browning's interview.

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