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Final D.C. Marriage Vote Today


The D.C. council this afternoon is scheduled to hold its final vote on the marriage equality bill, which is expected to pass by a wide margin and become law in the spring.

The bill passed the council in November by a vote of 11-2, and an identical vote is expected on Tuesday, according to The Washington Post.

Mayor Adrian Fenty will sign the bill, which would become law in the spring after it withstands a 30-day congressional review period as anticipated.

"The only suspense in recent days has been about whether the council would consider amendments the bill to try to assuage some of the concerns the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has raise about the proposal," reported the Post.

"Under the bill, church officials are already exempt from having to participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies or celebrations. But if gay couples are allowed to marry, church officials worry Catholic Charities would be forced to extend spousal benefits and adoption services to same-sex couples," the Post reported.

Some 350 marriage equality supporters rallied on Monday night in D.C., where the mood was celebratory. Watch the video below from NBC.

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