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Rep Vows to End D.C. Gay Marriage


Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz told TheSalt Lake Tribune that he'd do whatever he could to block the marriage equality bill that passed in the Washington, D.C., council on Tuesday. Chaffetz, a Republican member of the subcommittee that oversees the District of Columbia, recognizes that blocking the law will be a challenge, but says he will do what he can to stand in its way.

"It's going to be exceptionally difficult because Democrats have us outnumbered by large amounts," he told the Tribune. "Nevertheless, we're going to try."

Chaffetz's stand against marriage isn't a new one. Speaking of gay marriage with the Associated Press in October, he said, "Some fights are worth fighting for. This is one of them,"

Once the same-sex marriage ordinance is signed by D.C. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, Congress will have 30 days to review it before it can become law.

According to the Deseret News, in the past 25 years Congress has rejected only three pieces of D.C. legislation.

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