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You Can Run But You Cant Hide From Syphilis


The AIDS Committee of Toronto is trying a different sort of tactic to warn gay men of the dangers of syphilis: a mock horror-film poster warning people, "It's lurking in the depths. Watch out!"

Writes the AIDS Committee of the prevention ad: "Here, Due North Communications in Toronto created this reptilian syphilian creature for the AIDS Committee of Toronto warning men with HIV (and only men, judging by the poster) that venereal disease hits them harder and faster (that's what ... nevermind). Curious that a 'fishy' creature was used in a poster targeting gay men. Tagline: 'It's serious and it's here.' Very serious. So ... let's create a silly little ad with lazy copy to convey the gravitas of the issue."

Check out the ad here, plus the poster it parodies.

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