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Broadcast on Delay in Prop 8 Courtroom


Those wanting to watch the hearing on a challenge to California's antigay Proposition 8 will have to wait a day to see the courtroom action.

Chief U.S. district judge Vaughn Walker announced Wednesday that the court will control three cameras, and the video will be posted to the court's channel on YouTube the next day.

The only live video of the trial will be shown in the ceremonial courtroom at the ninth circuit courthouse in San Francisco and possibly at the circuit's other courthouses in Pasadena, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; and Seattle, according to KRON News. Walker's decision is the first by a federal judge in the West to make use of an experimental broadcast program for federal courts in nine states, including California, according to San Jose's Mercury News.

The trial, which is scheduled to begin Monday, concerns California's ban on same-sex marriage, which was approved by voters in November 2008.

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