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Prop 8 The Reenactment

Prop 8 The Reenactment


John Ireland, a Los Angeles-based freelance journalist and actor, has announced that he is filming daily reenactments of the Prop. 8 trial, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, and will broadcast them in daily installments on YouTube beginning Tuesday.

Ireland, who began casting for the production through a Craigslist ad posted January 15, told On Top Magazine on Sunday, "People want to see this drama unfold and there is a tremendous narrative that was propelled by that first day of testimony. ... I don't think you need to be gay or lesbian to see there is a tremendous human story being told but so few people are actually hearing it."

Ireland said he got the idea for the reenactments after the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday blocked the planned broadcast of the trial, which got under way in San Francisco January 11 and resumes Tuesday.

Find out more about Ireland's production here.

Read the full On Top Magazine story here.

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