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Pastor Leads Boycott Against Houston


Pastor David H. Grisham has called on his followers to boycott the city of Houston because it elected Annise Parker, a lesbian, as mayor, and is allowing Planned Parenthood to build a clinic.

"Both of these actions are an abomination in the eyes of God and should be boldly confronted by Christians seeking to preserve life and decency in the state of Texas," said Grisham's website,

As reported Wednesday, Grisham maintains his boycott has nothing to do with the mayor's character.

"This has nothing to do with personality and everything to do with principle," the site says. "Any openly homosexual person elected into a major public office, by their very election, brings with them a radical agenda."

On his ministry's website, Grisham called the Reverend Joel Osteen's support of Parker's election "one of the greatest offenses against decency." Osteen's congregation, Houston-based Lakewood Church, is the largest Christian congregation in the nation.

Grisham's site features a list of ways one can contribute to the boycott and impose "economic sanctions" on the city, which includes not taking vacations in Houston, not watching sporting events that with teams from Houston, and avoiding flight layovers in the city's airport. He does suggest, however, that if Houston layovers cannot be avoided, then "spend no money at the airport."

Grisham's website says other events his group boycotts include LGBT Pride events, Earth Day celebrations, Planned Parenthood, the Race for the Cure, opening day of public schools, spring break events, Halloween events, "demonically based concerts," and "other events that may arise that the ministry feels called to confront.

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