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Lover Sought in Murder of NYC Man


Police in New York City are seeking the lover of John Lea (pictured), who was found brutally stabbed to death in his Hell's Kitchen apartment Thursday.

Friends became suspicious after Lea, 41, failed to appear for work Wednesday, reports the New York Daily News.Police broke into the apartment on West 46th Street Thursday.

"They found a ransacked apartment and a gruesome, blood-soaked crime scene in the bedroom," according to the Daily News. "Lea, wearing only boxers, was found lying beside his bed, his throat slashed and a massive gash on his head, police sources said. His body had numerous other stab wounds that indicated he had fought for his life, the sources said."

Police want to question Lea's new lover, identified as Justin Walker. The man, whom friends and neighbors of Lea called troubled, had moved in with the victim recently.

Friends said Lea was going to ask Walker to move out this weekend.

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