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Gay Marriage in Mexico City Imperiled


The federal attorney general's office in Mexico announced on Wednesday it's working to overturn Mexico City's recently passed same-sex marriage law.

Due to take effect in March, the law has sparked the ire of not only the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico but also President Felipe Calderon's conservative National Action Party. Citing a vague statement in the Mexican constitution -- "Men and women are equal before the law. This protects the organization and development of the family" -- federal prosecutors are hoping to prove the new law violates the constitution. The prosecutors also said in a statement that the gay marriage law "strays from the responsibility of the government to place a priority on safeguarding the interests of children."

The new law not only legalizes gay marriage in the capital but also allows same-sex couples to adopt children.

Read the full story here.

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Neal Broverman

Neal Broverman is the Editorial Director, Print of Pride Media, publishers of The Advocate, Out, Out Traveler, and Plus, spending more than 20 years in journalism. He indulges his interest in transportation and urban planning with regular contributions to Los Angeles magazine, and his work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He lives in the City of Angels with his husband, children, and their chiweenie.
Neal Broverman is the Editorial Director, Print of Pride Media, publishers of The Advocate, Out, Out Traveler, and Plus, spending more than 20 years in journalism. He indulges his interest in transportation and urban planning with regular contributions to Los Angeles magazine, and his work has also appeared in the Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He lives in the City of Angels with his husband, children, and their chiweenie.