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Open Relationships Key to Gay Marriage


Citing a recent study by San Francisco State University on the frequency of open relationships among gay couples, a new article in The New York Times says same-sex couples are rewriting the traditional rules of matrimony.

From the Times: "The Gay Couples Study has followed 556 male couples for three years -- about 50 percent of those surveyed have sex outside their relationships, with the knowledge and approval of their partners."

So the Times found some of those couples for an in-depth look at what makes an open relationship work.

Rio and Ray, married in 2008, say they purposely left the words "fidelity" and "monogamy" out of their wedding vows. "I take it as a gift that someone will be that open and honest and sharing with me," Rio told the Times.

Chris and James say they were together for six years before deciding to open their relationship. But they say they have rules -- no strangers and advance approval of partners. "We check in with each other on this an awful lot," James says.

The article also delves into open heterosexual relationships and says that open relationships, while common among gay couples, aren't often discussed because they play into the stereotypes and fears perpetuated by gay rights opponents.

Read the full story here.

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