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Newly elected Massachusetts senator Scott Brown has yet to take office, but he's already fielding rumors about a bid for Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Brown talked with Barbara Walters for ABC's This Week about the White House talk, "don't ask, don't tell," and same-sex marriage.

"I have to tell you. I don't even have a business card," Brown told Walters. "I haven't even been sworn in. And it is very humbling and flattering but my job is to do the best possible job I can, very quickly -- hopefully sooner rather than later -- to represent the people of Massachusetts."

The onetime Cosmo centerfold talked to Walters about everything from "don't ask, don't tell" (he wants to hear from the generals before weighing in on repeal) to same-sex marriage.

"On the marriage issue that you brought up, it's settled here in Massachusetts, but I believe that states should have the ability to determine their own destiny and the government should not be interfering with individual states' rights on issues that they deal with on a daily basis."

Read a recap of the interview here.

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