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Perez Hilton Black Eyed Peas Manager Settle Civil Suit


Gossip blogger Perez Hilton has settled his civil suit against Black Eyed Peas tour manager Liborio Molina, who punched Hilton last June in a Toronto nightclub as the two were fighting about Peas front man

Terms of the settlement were not discussed, but as Molina had previously agreed, he will make a donation to Hilton's charity of choice.

Hilton landed himself in hot water with gay groups after the fight for calling a faggot. When Hilton posted his account of the encounter, reaction from fans and readers was less than supportive.

"I've always known that a lot of gays didn't like me," he told The Advocate a week after the incident, "but after this it felt like no gays liked me. It was one of the worst weeks of my life."

Assault charges against Molina were dropped last year.

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