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GLAAD Tweet John Mayer For Apology


The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, the media monitoring organization, issued a statement on its blog Thursday urging people to tweet John Mayer and ask him to apologize for using gay and racial slurs.

"We hope the intent behind his use of the F-word was not malicious," GLAAD's Entertainment Media Manager Jonathan Rosales wrote in the blog on Thursday. "Mayer should be more cognizant of the impact his casual use of both slurs can have."

In an interview with Playboy, Mayer used the gay epithet in addition to the n word for African Americans.

"Everyday, countless LGBT people including LGBT people of color are subjected to harassment, ridicule and even violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identity," Rosales continued. "We expect more from John Mayer and ask that he apologize."

Mayer previously apologized for his use of the racial epithet on his Twitter account.

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