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NH Rep Nancy Elliot Apologizes for Anal Sex Talk


New Hampshire state representative Nancy Elliott Tuesday apologized for and withdrew her statements about gay sex being taught to fifth-graders in Nashua public schools, The Telegraph of Nashua reports.

"I would like to apologize to the judiciary committee, the Nashua public schools and its employees, and the speaker as well as anyone else affected by what I said,'' Elliott said, as she read a statement at the beginning of a house judiciary committee meeting. "I will try much harder in the future to verify fully my statement."

Elliott's comments were made during a judiciary committee hearing last week on house bill 1590, a proposal to repeal the state's same-sex marriage law. Elliott said she was told by a parent that fifth-grade students had been shown pictures of naked men and taught how to engage in anal sex.

"We're talking about taking the penis of a man and putting it in the rectum of another man and wriggling it around in excrement," Elliott said last week. "And you have to think, would I want that to be done to me?"

Nashua school officials insisted the charge was false.

"I was told shortly before the hearing on HB 1590 that what I later said had happened, and I firmly believed it to be so," she said. "It is for that reason and because of its relevance that I brought it up to the committee."

Last weekend Nashua alderman Diane Sheehan said she would seek for Elliott to be removed from office unless she either recanted her statement or provided evidence in support.

"She's claiming she's concerned about kids and yet she has done nothing," Sheehan said. "She left herself a lot of wiggle room. I still think that something needs to be done further."

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