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Lesbian Candidate Leaves SF Race


Laura Spanjian has dropped out of the running for a city supervisor position in San Francisco to accept a job in the administration of Houston mayor Annise Parker. "I'm leaving the race and leaving San Francisco," the out politician told the Bay Area Reporter.

Spanjian worked on Parker's campaign last year. Parker, whose election made Houston the nation's largest city with an openly gay mayor, announced that Spanjian will be the city's sustainability director. "Laura Spanjian brings years of municipal experience in crafting innovative environmental policies that green our cities and save people money," Parker said.

Spanjian will resign from her job as assistant manager for external affairs with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and from her seat on the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee.

Her withdrawal from the race leaves three major gay candidates seeking the district 8 seat, which is being vacated by gay supervisor Bevan Dufty, who plans to run for mayor of San Francisco in 2011.

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