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Three Men Indicted in Chicago Hate Attack

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Three men charged with felony hate-crime and aggravated battery in the January attack of a gay man on the Chicago elevated train system last month were indicted Wednesday.

Sean Little, Benjamin Eder, and Kevin McAndrew allegedly beat Daniel Hauff while yelling antigay slurs in an attack on the CTA Red Line train on January 10. Hauff had intervened when the men allegedly harassed a gay youth. He said he escaped by wiping blood on his attackers and telling them he was HIV positive.

According to CBS 2, "On Wednesday, the three men were each indicted on one count of hate crime and two counts of aggravated battery, according to Cook County State's Attorney's office spokesman Andy Conklin. The men will appear for arraignment on March 26."

The men face a maximum of five years in prison each if convicted.

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