OReilly Helps Father Pay Westboro Court Costs

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Bill O'Reilly of Fox News Channel offered Tuesday to pay more than $16,000 court-ordered appeal costs assigned to the father of a slain marine whose funeral was picketed by the antigay Westboro Baptist Church.
Last week the court of appeals for the fourth circuit ordered Albert Snyder, father of deceased marine lance corporal Matthew Snyder, to pay $16,510 to Westboro leader Fred Phelps. Westboro picketed Matthew Snyder's funeral in 2006, blaming his death on American tolerance for gay rights. The resulting free speech case is scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court this October.
According to WBAL and Fox News Channel, "O'Reilly said he is behind Albert Snyder of York County 100 percent ... and would pick up the tab for the appeals that has been ordered by a federal court."
Albert Snyder also has created a website for people who want to support his legal efforts.